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Kendra Allen (they/she), Program Officer
I am from Piscataway land, now known as the D.C. region. My people came here by way of West Virginia, Alabama and North Carolina. My people are Black folks, Queer folks and those trying, failing and gaining towards liberation. I am a part of iF because of its insistence on the root. I strive for greater philanthropic accountability to communities. I love words in books, on streets, in zines and between folks struggling against different forms of the same colonization scheme.

Temi F. Bennett, Esq. (she/her), Co-CEO
I am from the South Side of Chicago, the City of Big Shoulders. My people are Black people in America, Black people in the Diaspora, and people of the global majority. I am a part of iF because Black people deserve and are entitled to better. I love art, critical race theory, sci-fi fantasy novels, and Japanese anime.
"Hey Black Child | Do you know who you are | Who you really are | Do you know you can be | What you want to be | If you try to be | What you can be." - Useni Eugene Perkins

Hanh Le (she/her), Co-CEO
I am from a hot and humid tropical delta perfumed by the sweetness of mangoes and the smokiness of coal fires. My people are always asking, “Have you eaten?” and filling your bowl regardless. I belong to iF because we are building the world we need and deserve; we do it with fight, joy and each other. In my work I strive for radical learning, collaboration and justice. I am amazed by people who live in deep service to healing, liberation and joy.

Roselande “Roe” Louis (she/her), Policy Manager
I am from my grandmother’s prayers, the beautiful, rugged terrain of Haiti, and the dreams my loved ones hold and protect for me. My people are generous, vibrant, and unapologetic about their right to freedom. I am part of iF because of its bold pursuit of building people power that centers Black folks. All while balancing rest, joy and healing to do this work, whole. In my work, I strive for authenticity, meaningful relationships and making room to fail, learn and try again. I am amazed by what is possible when you operate from a place of possibility rather than restraint. I am a lover of people, creative writing, and soul-filling desserts.
“I am myself…doing my work, come to ask you, are you doing yours? …The transformation of silence into language and actions is an act of self-revelation.” - Audre Lorde

Nivosoa Robjhon (she/her), Technology and Operations Manager
I am from a tropical Island off the East Coast of Africa. My people are the people of the global majority. I am a part of iF because of what it stands for and its alignment with my values and what I would like to contribute in this world. In my work, I strive for perfection, honesty and respect. I love traveling and learning about other people's culture. My motto: Pay it forward.

Madison Sherman (she/her), Director of Communications
I consider myself to be a Southern girl. My family derives from the many pockets within Texas, Mississippi, and South Carolina. My people are Black folks in America — especially those who enjoys a good meal, conversation, and plenty of laughter. I am a part of iF because of its unapologetic commitment to ensuring that Black people and people of the global majority get the tools they need to thrive. In my work, I strive to elevate the voices and experiences of resilient communities and tell their stories to create change and shift public dialogue. I cannot get enough of exploring new restaurants and experiencing new cultures in DC and cities worldwide. I’m always ready to pack my bags and head to a new place!

Angel (El) Thompson (they/them), Racial Justice Fellow
I am from descendants of the Ashanti and Gullah-Geechee people who migrated to Piscataway land aka the D.C. region. My people are compassionate, joyous, creative, and generous queer, trans, gender-expansive folks who are committed to creating a just world. I am a part of iF because of its commitments to radically transforming Philanthropy and empowering Black people and people of the global majority. In my work I strive for transparency, collaboration, and accountability to remain in alignment with my principles and those of my colleagues and communities. I love stargazing, being near bodies of water, creating art, and breaking bread with loved ones.

Joshua Tobing(he/him), Director of Strategic Partnerships
I am from the Ring of Fire. My people are multiracial, queer, and immigrants, and we are the people of the global majority. My ancestors are survivors of colonial violence in Southeast Asia and Europe, and my family’s homeland is named for the Durian tree in the heart of our village. In my work I strive for joy—because that is the only way we will sustain ourselves for the hard work ahead. I am a part of iF because justice is what love looks like in public, and I love you.

Zahra Wardrick (they/he), Program Associate
I am from where Southern Black faith and West African bravery fell in love. I am from Piscataway land, lovingly known as the DMV. My people are Black folks, queer folks, caretakers, and creatives. People who ask for grace and take it in full.
I am a part of iF because I dare to imagine Black people knowing peace and won’t settle for anything less. In my work I strive for efficiency and intentionality in order to make more time for rest and communion. I love poetry, baking, and hearing Black people laugh. “True community is based on upon equality, mutuality, and reciprocity. It affirms the richness of individual diversity as well as the common human ties that bind us together.”- Dr. Rev. Pauli Murray