Join Us in a New Kind of Philanthropy
Like water, money is a carrier. It can carry blessed energy, possibility, and intention.
Lynne Twist
In 2021, iF’s board of directors approved a new financial strategy to resource our 10-year strategic plan. This strategy has a fundraising component and relies on Community-Centric Fundraising principles, such as being grounded in race, equity, and social justice; equally valuing all who engage in strengthening the community, whether volunteer, staff, donor, or board member; valuing time equally as money; and seeing the work of social justice as holistic and transformative, not transactional.
We actively seek and engage individual and institutional donors that are values-aligned and unapologetic about anti-racism, economic justice and gender justice, and will nurture a spirit of co-ownership and co-leadership of a new kind of philanthropy that is community-centered and led by Black people and people of the global majority.
How to Join Us:
Invest in iF
iF’s endowment suffered during the 2008 recession because of our steadfast commitment to our grantee partners during a time of financial crisis brought on by unbridled capitalism. We are now working to build back so that we can advance racial justice over the next 10 years.
Make a major gift to help rebuild our endowment so we can do this work.
Support Our Programmatic Work
iF works across five pillars—Community Power, Healing Justice, Reparations & Economic Justice, Institutions & Structures and Culture—to advance racial justice. Philanthropic partnerships are critical for initiatives such as our Foundation Reparations, Let’s GO DMV! guaranteed income and Black-led power-building programs.
Make a grant to support these systems-changing initiatives.
Build the Financial Capacity of Grassroots Partners
iF will be working with our grassroots partners to build their own endowments, if they choose, so they can benefit, as we have, from investing in socially responsible companies and other values-aligned financial instruments.
Commit to working with us as we explore this aspect of our financial strategy.
Reach out to partnerships@iFfdn.org to explore any and all of the above opportunities.
Thanks to these funders who are already in the fight with us: