What iF Black people were paid the debt they are owed?
Supporting economic justice movements, including the movement to pay reparations to Black people who are owed a debt as a result of historic and contemporary racial harms.
Cracks in the Foundation: Philanthropy’s Role in Reparations for Black People in the DMV
Commissioned and funded by iF and developed by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), Cracks in the Foundation: Philanthropy’s Role in Reparations for Black People in the DMV harnesses both quantitative and qualitative research from publicly available information to illuminate the ways in which Black people have been exploited to build philanthropic wealth.
This initiative seeks to form collaborations, influence and, when needed, compel sector stakeholders to engage in redress and repair. The report establishes a Reparative Framework for Philanthropy, focusing on four specific sectors that have caused past harm to local Black people and their communities — the media, housing, employment, and healthcare. It includes case studies of eight foundations in the DC region with Wealth History Reports: specific harm statements of wealth generation and foundation timelines as well as data on current grantmaking to Black communities. Our goal is that this project will be replicated by other foundations. We are attempting to hold up a mirror and address the “cracks in our foundation,” both individually and as a sector.
DC Reparations Coalition
Since Bill 25-0152, Reparations Foundation Fund and Taskforce Establishment Act of 2023 hearing on June 15, 2023, iF has been convening leaders and organizations interested in advancing reparations in the District of Columbia. Join the DC Reparations Coalition here:
Economic Justice
Let’s GO DMV!
Guaranteed Income Pilot
Early into the COVID-19 pandemic, Vee Tucker, a hospitality worker and organizer with ROC-DC, approached iF about the possibility of investing funds she and her co-workers were raising. The idea: to create residual income for hospitality workers who lost jobs due to the pandemic.
Since then, iF has partnered with Amalgamated Bank, Amalgamated Foundation, Greater Washington Community Foundation, Restaurant Opportunities Center of DC, and Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers on a five-year guaranteed income (GI) pilot project for 75 DC-area hospitality workers who lost jobs due to COVID-19.
Let’s GO (Guarantee Opportunity) DMV! is funded privately by grants and donations. The pilot centers workers and includes a strong narrative component to help make the case for permanent, government-supported GI. We do this in partnership with The DC Guaranteed Income Coalition and other pilots and coalitions throughout the region and across the country.
A number of others have joined if, A Foundation for Radical Possibility to provide grant funding, including: Amalgamated Foundation, BMC Cares, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, England Family Foundation, Greater Washington Community Foundation, Hill-Snowdon Foundation, Horning Family Foundation, Meyer Foundation, Open Horizon, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
We are actively seeking funders to commit additional grants and make multi-year commitments to Let's GO DMV! Donate directly , contact Hanh Le at partnerships@iffdn.org, or complete the form below for more information.
2021 Let's GO DMV! Partner Grants
To convene the DC Guaranteed Income Coalition and advocate for government-supported guaranteed income and other economic justice programs.
To engage pilot participants in the Let’s GO DMV! guaranteed income pilot and serve as a campaign and table partner for the initiative.
To engage funders in the Let’s GO DMV! guaranteed income pilot and serve as a campaign and table partner for the initiative.